Residential Contracts
Does the trellis stay with the home?
The trellis growing ivy on the wall — Is it supposed to stay with the house or does it to the new owner.
Whenever we list a property for sale, we have a document that basically asks our clients what are you keeping. What are you wanting to take with you whenever you sell this property? Because contractually, in the state of Texas, there are a list of things that convey to the new owner, and if you want to keep them, we have to exclude them from the sale.
And before I will stick a property on the market, I ask my clients — are there things in the house from this list that you are wanting to keep?
So the question remains, this trellis, does it stay with the property or should it be excluded from the sale? And the answer is yes, [it should be excluded] because it is actually bolted to the brick.
My client wants to keep it – it is very important to them. So on our showing instructions that we give to buyers agents, it states that the ivy and the trellis located on the back patio are to be excluded from the sale. Otherwise, the new owner is going to get to enjoy this sentimental piece.
- Cori Radley